Now available. Purchase your Chris Wimmer Fan Club Membership at the Wimmer Racing Store.
One way to stay up to date on Chris’ activity this season is to join The Chris Wimmer Fan Club. Chris’ Fan Club is a family organization run primarily by his mother Joan. Below you will find a Fan Club Application.
The cost for the 2009 membership is $25. This fee includes $5 for shipping and handling. All memberships run annually from January 1 – December 31. It is our intention to expand the benefits of the fan club as Chris’ racing career grows. The 2009 membership will also include:
- CWFC logo hat
- Autographed picture
- Welcome letter
- Quarterly newsletters
- 10% discount at the Chris Wimmer Fan Club On-Line Store and other items
- Fan Club Application
Name: __________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
City, State Zip:___________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________________________
Member Birthday: ________________________________________________
Additional Members: ____________________________________________
Email #1: __________________________________________________
Email #2: __________________________________________________
Email #3: __________________________________________________
Please complete the above information and return with check in the amount of $25.00 to:
4202 Hummingbird Road
Wausau, WI 54401